Adjacent to the church of San Michele and close to the major points of interest, it is just a few minutes from the bus terminus and from the taxi rank.

Beauties of Anacapri

Anacapri place of the soul, but also a place of increnible beauty... Historical, natural and landascaped itineraries all to discover... Its startfrom the simple beauty of the historical city center wi the riche of historical artifacts by varius originis.

Proceed to ``Villa San Michele``, an enchanting place where, among lovely corners of the garden, you will arrive at the ancient chapel, from the terrace you can admire a stunning view overlooking the ``Scala Fenicia`` which one connected the two municipalities of the island.

The chairlift ride up to ``Monte Solaro`` is an opportunity to enjoy the shapes, colors and island life that was...Following the path, you will reach the ``Valletta di Cetrella`` and the Eremo di Santa Maria``, where you are catapulted into an ancient era, full of sensations that regenerate the heart and the soul. Stopping to take exposure the view form the pergola dense with wisteria is one o those experiences that gives a deep inner peace.

For who loves enjoying nature and love walking, we recommend the ``Sentiero dei Fortini``, which starts from the ``Grotta Azzurra`` and reaches the ``Faro di Punta Carena``, where, among rocks, shrubs, deep-water coves, follows the path of the majolicas that describe the local fauna and plantlife, there are the forts of ``Orrigo``, Mesola and ``Pino``.

The wonder of the ``Migliara``, between colors and charm, lead to the ``Parco Filosofico``, a place where you can lost yourself in a contemplation, and then it's one of the most evocative viewpoints on the island, where words are superluous to any kind of the explication... Here the sea magically joins the sky, the gaze reaches the Lighthouse up the Faraglioni

The main attraction of the island of capri, however, remains tre ``Grotta Azzurra``, which offers visitors a unique natural show, a complexity of turquoise adn blue reflections thast the eyes can hardly belive.

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